It is this belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable.
- Maya Angelou-

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You Can't Back Up into the Future

When the grays of life hit you hard
And you choose to sit under the apple tree
From the dawn of the morn to the dusk of the night
Waiting for the apple to fall
Saying: “Gravity, doctored gravity, choose one for me today!”
Your wait will certainly be endless
And your future put on hold.

When you linger on the insurgent pain
Or the regret of a mistake made
When you tell yourself: “Shame on me! Shame on me!”
In lieu of: “Don’t do it again!”
When you are stuck at the endless sharp corner
While you could hitch-hike a joyful ride
You are losing control of your life
Holding your future at goodbye.

The future begins at foresight,
It makes more sense that way
No hindsight camping will give you
A place in a promising tomorrow
And no happiness left behind you
Compares to the one ahead.

So change your perception of circumstances
Focus on what can be changed
For you cannot back up into the future
And hit not a wall instead
Get up from under the apple tree
And start picking up apples for yourself
For gravity can give you apples,
But gravity wouldn’t let you choose!


  1. I like this one. the past hold nothing but memories, some fond, some painful but all written in stone and unchangeable. but the future hold promise, and hope and maybe, just maybe.. chance

  2. and into the future will i focus......i like it

  3. I appreciate your comments...and thanks for stopping by here!
