He spoke every other creation into being
The universe and the galaxies
The oceans and seas in their greatness and expanse
The sun, the moon and the stars,
The mountains- tall and grand....;
Yet He stopped and took time
Time to form me in His mighty hands
Using clay and not stones,
He glued every piece of me together,
Occasionally stopping to wet His fingers
So He could fill in the crevices on the clay pieces that would be my nose, eyes or lips
Every detail of me- from the smallest cell to the largest organ
The way I talk, my gait, my smile, my inner most being
Body, soul and spirit, a triune just as He is
In His image He formed me to perfection!
He placed each hair on my head, one by one to the millionth of it
And when I was complete, He stood back and looked at the work of His hands
And declared out loud “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!”
He smiled, and could not wait to see His creation come to life
Hear her voice for the first time, and melt with love as she fell into His embrace
So He came even closer to my form of clay and He breathe into me
I came to life! He gave me LIFE. Beautifully and wonderfully so
His desire for me: To be fruitful, to enjoy the life He had given me
To remain in His presence and commune forever……
But then I left Eden,
And walked away from His presence, His desires
He watched me slip away hoping that I would find my way back...
I walked out into the world outside, into the unknown
Taking a breath of the outside oxygen for the first time…
It was toxic! So I made my first cry.
It’s a girl! They said as they lifted me up.
Then I was given a name
But, He already knew my name…!
In fact, He had engraved it into the palm of His hands
As I curled up into the blanket wrapped around me
I could feel the warmth of His love through His voice
As I could hear Him calling me; softly, tenderly and incessantly...
And I knew that He wanted me to find my way back,
Back into His presence.