I think of you even when I am not thinking
You are the space in between the empty spaces
The crevices that willingly become a part of the manifold
Which my mind involuntarily designs and implements
Each time, any time, every time,
Whenever the sounds in my head become unmusically low
Eventually ending in the silence of no thought
But only the thought of the sound that’d be you
I see you even when my eyes are tightly shut
Admittedly going against the laws of the propagation of light
Onto the centrally placed cones in my rather sensitive retina
Seemingly, the tighter my eyes are shut from light
The more centrally positioned the cones in the retina of my eyes are
And the more pronounced the colors of your rainbow become
The red, the blue, the yellow, the green, the purple
You dazzle behind the blank curtains on the windows of my closed eyes
I hear you through the intangible vacuum space around me
The undying vibrations from the whispers of your voice
Defile all laws of particulate Physics
That though all molecules of air from my heart I removed
The unseen waves of your voice manageably transits
Into the periphery of my internal ear lobes,
Somehow finding their way to the fringes of my cardiac muscles
Where in sync they vibrate with the whispers from you
But even though so, the nature of your existence in my world is,
I would prefer a million times better than this,
To see you and hear from you in the density of your mass occupancy
Being here, in the full pathway of the incident rays from the sun
And in the path of the random collisions of air particles in the ambient space
To perceive your true colors through my widely opened eyes
Terminating the propagating force of this wave of seeming non existence
With the superimposed linking of my hand to yours,
And the resulting dazzle of your smile, which signifies your very existence.